comes from a solid foundation rooted In
Black Love.
We believe that supporting mental healthcare, holding and creating space for vulnerability is a piece of how we free ourselves as abolitionists. We are moving to breaking down harmful systems and building new ones.
Over the last year that we have also committed ourselves to transformative justice practices even when it’s painful, or uncomfortable in all spaces.
Black Phoenix Organizing Collective is building a bigger, better, Blacker future in PHX.
We practice cultural organizing among inter-generational Black folks that centers queer and trans people, formerly incarcerated, disabled people, and Muslim immigrants and refugees.
We prioritize the needs of Black people through two programs: Disability Justice and Reproductive Justice.

Black Joy
All Black folks should take up space and bask in the glory, pleasure, and celebration of the joy of being Black.
Family: Chosen + Inherited
We honor our family and ancestors. Each of us has a unique experience in Blackness, with the freedom to choose a family that is loving and accepting.
Unity Through the African Diaspora
Black is Black. Periodt. We stand with one another, we are not a monolith.
Pride: Self + Cultural + Ancestral
We move for our ancestors recognizing our individual greatness and looking at the entire culture as a source of pride.
Healing Trauma: Historical + Current
Supporting mental healthcare, holding and creating space for vulnerability. Trauma is not a natural state
There are things that we all inherently understand even if we don’t agree, we are all educators.

BPOC was founded at the end of 2019 in response to the lack of Black-led and Black-centered social justice organizations in Phoenix and the surrounding areas. Our founders discussed the idea of being apart of an organization based on intersectionality and that focused not only on racial issues, but issues of class, gender, and sexual orientation. These ideals would grow as the organization would.