Public Safety Town Hall
South Mountain Community Center
212 E Alta Vista Rd Phoenix AZ 85042
Spanish language interpretation provided
Child Care for participants provided
Register Here

LiberATe Yoga
LiberATe Yoga
Our mission is to Liberate ourselves through breath and body movement. Join us as we reveal the secrets to nurturing your core and uncovering the harmony within.

Self Care Workshop
Join us Thursday April 18 as we join together to talk about how we can take care of ourselves- for us and each other! This is a safe space to explore what self care looks like to our communities, how to start your journey and how to stay accountable for our own self care.
Join us virtually and in person at 6 PM MST. In person location to be announced. Register for our virtual workshop here. Register for the inperson workshop here
The links to register for this event are in our bio. See you there!

Wednesday Coffee Meetup
The space is meant to hold space for abolitionist workers, community organizers, and social justice producers to give them a space to process, grieve, and have communal self care where black and brown voices are amplified.Coloring books are offered in the event to provide an activity while listening in.
Our next coffee meet up will be at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore at 906 W Roosevelt St, PHX on the third Wednesday of the month from 3 PM to 5 PM. As always, we're buying the first 7 people that show their choice of coffee and baked good from the lovely Palabras coffee bar. To register to join virtually, click here.

Meditation Mondays
Have you been to a protest? Have you WANTED to, but haven’t been sure where to start or how to do so safely? Are you the one in your circle of friends organizing others to attend social justice functions? Or are you a full blown organizer in your community?
Come together EVERY MONDAY with like minded folx to heal through conversation and meditation- in person or virtually! We invite you to come a connect with other comrades in a space that’s by black folx, for black folx.
Hosted at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore
906 W Roosevelt St, PHX, AZ

Meditation Mondays
Have you been to a protest? Have you WANTED to, but haven’t been sure where to start or how to do so safely? Are you the one in your circle of friends organizing others to attend social justice functions? Or are you a full blown organizer in your community?
Come together EVERY MONDAY with like minded folx to heal through conversation and meditation- in person or virtually! We invite you to come a connect with other comrades in a space that’s by black folx, for black folx.
Hosted at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore
906 W Roosevelt St, PHX, AZ

Meditation Mondays
Have you been to a protest? Have you WANTED to, but haven’t been sure where to start or how to do so safely? Are you the one in your circle of friends organizing others to attend social justice functions? Or are you a full blown organizer in your community?
Come together EVERY MONDAY with like minded folx to heal through conversation and meditation- in person or virtually! We invite you to come a connect with other comrades in a space that’s by black folx, for black folx.
Hosted at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore
906 W Roosevelt St, PHX, AZ

Visions of Access: A Southwest Disabled Artist Showcase
Visions of Access: 1st Annual Southwest
Disabled Art Showcase
black phoenix organizing collective, Black Political Cultivation AZ, and Black Lives Matter Phoenix Metro are hosting a showcase event to highlight Black Disabled artists creating and sharing work that represents their experience of Black disabled history and identity. Artists will be displaying or performing art pieces, as community members are welcomed to learn about and enjoy these visions and stories.
Mexican food and refreshments will be provided. At the end of the event, guests will also be invited to join a free guided tour of the Twin Flames: The George Floyd Uprising from Minneapolis to Phoenix exhibit at ASU Art Museum which features the protest art of the hosting organizers.
CALL FOR ARTISTS: Are you an artist/performer - experienced or new - interested in being featured during this showcase? There is limited space for artists, so please reach out to Dee at dee@blackphxoc.org or DM on Instagram:
@blackphxoc by Friday March 15th!
Date: Friday, March 29th 2:00PM-4:00PM
Location: ASU Tempe - West Hall 1000 Cady Mall, Tempe, AZ

Meditation Mondays
Have you been to a protest? Have you WANTED to, but haven’t been sure where to start or how to do so safely? Are you the one in your circle of friends organizing others to attend social justice functions? Or are you a full blown organizer in your community?
Come together EVERY MONDAY with like minded folx to heal through conversation and meditation- in person or virtually! We invite you to come a connect with other comrades in a space that’s by black folx, for black folx.
Hosted at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore
906 W Roosevelt St, PHX, AZ

Wednesday Coffee Meetup
The space is meant to hold space for abolitionist workers, community organizers, and social justice producers to give them a space to process, grieve, and have communal self care where black and brown voices are amplified. Coloring books are offered in the event to provide an activity while listening in.
Our next coffee meet up will be at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore at 906 W Roosevelt St, PHX. As always, we're buying the first 7 people that show their choice of coffee and baked good from the lovely Palabras coffee bar. To register to join virtually, click here.

Meditation Mondays
Have you been to a protest? Have you WANTED to, but haven’t been sure where to start or how to do so safely? Are you the one in your circle of friends organizing others to attend social justice functions? Or are you a full blown organizer in your community?
Come together EVERY MONDAY with like minded folx to heal through conversation and meditation- in person or virtually! We invite you to come a connect with other comrades in a space that’s by black folx, for black folx.
Hosted at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore
906 W Roosevelt St, PHX, AZ

Meditation Mondays
Have you been to a protest? Have you WANTED to, but haven’t been sure where to start or how to do so safely? Are you the one in your circle of friends organizing others to attend social justice functions? Or are you a full blown organizer in your community?
Come together EVERY MONDAY with like minded folx to heal through conversation and meditation- in person or virtually! We invite you to come a connect with other comrades in a space that’s by black folx, for black folx.
Hosted at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore
906 W Roosevelt St, PHX, AZ

Meditation Mondays
Have you been to a protest? Have you WANTED to, but haven’t been sure where to start or how to do so safely? Are you the one in your circle of friends organizing others to attend social justice functions? Or are you a full blown organizer in your community?
Come together EVERY MONDAY with like minded folx to heal through conversation and meditation- in person or virtually! We invite you to come a connect with other comrades in a space that’s by black folx, for black folx.
Hosted at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore
906 W Roosevelt St, PHX, AZ

Meditation Mondays
Have you been to a protest? Have you WANTED to, but haven’t been sure where to start or how to do so safely? Are you the one in your circle of friends organizing others to attend social justice functions? Or are you a full blown organizer in your community?
Come together EVERY MONDAY with like minded folx to heal through conversation and meditation- in person or virtually! We invite you to come a connect with other comrades in a space that’s by black folx, for black folx.
Hosted at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore
906 W Roosevelt St, PHX, AZ

Black History Month Kickoff Mixer and Workshop
BlackNetAZ: Arizona’s Black Resource
Network, of which Black Political Cultivation AZ is a founding partner, is excited to host our first event of 2024: Black History Month Kickoff Mixer and Workshop on February 1st
from 12:30pm to 6:00pm.
What is BlackNetAZ? The network is a diverse coalition of dedicated Black-led and Black-serving organizations and leaders committed to the advancement and strategic cooperation of the Black community. BlackNet AZ stands as a pivotal resource hub for community leaders, organizers, directors, and entrepreneurs across Arizona. Our primary objective is to facilitate collaboration, foster empowerment, and build cross-sectional power within the Black community.
Through our work, we strive to create robust ecosystems that provide meaningful support and opportunities for growth, as we aim to amplify voices, provide resources, and create lasting change.
We know that Black history is being made by our community on a daily basis, and the network is the space where we will grow even stronger through connection. This event is a fantastic opportunity to get engaged with us to share and learn about the abundant resources our community has to offer one another.
Space is limited for this kickoff, and free lunch will be provided based on RSVP. Location is in Central Phoenix and address will be provided after signing up.
Learn more about the network, and sign up now at here. We have an assessment survey available so we can learn what resources you have, and that you need.

Wednesday Coffee Meetup
The space is meant to hold space for abolitionist workers, community organizers, and social justice producers to give them a space to process, grieve, and have communal self care where black and brown voices are amplified.Coloring books are offered in the event to provide an activity while listening in.
Our next coffee meet up will be at Palabras Bilingual Bookstore at 906 W Roosevelt St, PHX on January 31st from 3 PM to 5 PM. As always, we're buying the first 7 people that show their choice of coffee and baked good from the lovely Palabras coffee bar. To register to join virtually, click here.

Coffee and Convos
Come Join us Thursday November 9th from 1:30- 3:00 PM at Palabras Book Store as we meet once again to chat in safety and amongst peers. We’re buying the first 7 people coffee and a lovely baked good before we settle in and that Self Care. We’ll be continuing our conversation about setting intentions and addressing Self Talk.

DIS Market
CALL 4 VENDORS❗ If you're disabled, d/Deaf, neurodivergent, chronically ill, and/or mad and you create art, make crafts, and sell anything we are hosting a vendor market for you. Too often disabled creators and artists are left out and forgotten or not accomodated for. We want to change that. This will be a COVID-safe space and masked event. Please apply at the link in our bio if you would like to vend at the event and we will be choosing vendors in the coming weeks. Black artists/makers will be prioritized, as well as indigenous artists and other people of color.
Image 1:
A pink square with red trim
Top left in white cloud shaped text reads DIS MARKET. Left center in black text reads Friday September 29th
6pm-9pm Palabras Bookstore
Right center is a red cloud shape with lavender trim inside is white text that reads Call for Vendors! Bottom left is a red cloud shape with lavender tr and white text that reads Event to boost disabled, neurodivergent, mad, chronically ill artists, makers,and creators. Bottom right in black text Application in bio

Self Care Skill Share
Join us Wednesday September 20 as we join together to talk about how we can take care of ourselves- for us and each other! This is a safe space to explore what self care looks like to our communities, how to start your journey and how to stay accountable for our own self care.
Wednesday September 20
6-7 PM
Image description: On a pale yellow background a person with dark skin and an afro is hugging themselves. Around them are the words SELF CARE and under them, SKILL SHARE. hearts are floating around the image that is above the date, time (6pm) and a note that says in person and virtual. Register to get your workbooks now. link in bio. The BPOC logo is on the bottom right corner and a journal sits in the left

Virtual Volunteer Orientation
Join us September 11th at 6 pm to get started with your volunteer experience at BPOC! Volunteering with us will give you the opportunity to enhance the skills you already have or the resources to learn a new one. Join in virtually for more information.
Register here!
Image Description: On a pale yellow background within a black square border, "Volunteer orientation" floats over the phrase "come find out how volunteering with BPOC can work for you!" Below that a line of people facing opposite directions line the center of the graphic. Below that the date and time are seperated by a heart with two horizontal lines. "Join us virtually" in greyish letters hover above link in bio and our logo

Wednesday’s Friendship Coffee Meetup
Join Dee for this regular coffee meetup every other Wednesday for Black community members to meet new people and make new connections! These in-person events are held at different coffee shops around phoenix, so check back in to see where we’re at or contact Dee at dee@blackphxoc.org for more info.
Dark Hall Coffee
2243 N 12thst phoenix az

Movement Marketplace
Movement Marketplace is a place for Black/Brown/Indigenous Folx to come together and share, update, and collaborate with fellow organizers. If you're already an organizer or even just have an interest in being involved in your community come through to this healing, uplifting space!
Saturday August 26 from 4-6 pm
We ask that you please wear a mask to protect yourself and others who may be at the event and may need extra protection.
Sign up here
Contact us at DeAnna dford@bpcaz.org or Dee dee@blackphxoc.org

Collective Healing Through Conversation: A Venting Session
Join Malcom as we hold space for community members to express your thoughts and feelings on a particular topic impacting yourself or your community. Let us gather together to take a positive, solution-based approach as we support each other in holding space for our collective issues!
Register for the virtual session here
RSVP for the in-person Session here
Both Sessions are held at the same time.
Saturday Aug 12, 2023
11 AM - 1 PM
Afrisoul Education Center
1145 E Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034
Image description: on a pale, yellow background two people stand close, sharing a secret. a lime green speech bubble that takes up most of the image in pink, all capital letters, outlined in deep red reads "collective healing through conversation, a venting session". Below that separated by thin, dark blue lines dividers read the location, date and time of the event

Venting Session
Join Malcom as we hold space for community members to expressing your thoughts and feelings on a particular topic impacting yourself or your community. Let us help take a positive, solution-based approach to ameliorating our issues!
Afrisoul Education Center
1145 E Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Coffee and Convos
Join Dee for this regular coffee meetup every other Wednesday for Black community members to meet new people and make new connections! These in-person events are held at different coffee shops around phoenix, so check back in to see where or contact Dee at dee@blackphxoc.org for more info.
This week’s event is held at Palabras Coffee Shop

Juneteenth Celebration
Join BPOC and BLLM Phoenix Metro for a night of black and gold! Family fun by day, but come party with us in the evening!
Monday June 19th from 4 pm to 10 pm.
Location tbd